
The ACBL describes our District 5 as encompassing Western PA, Eastern OH, Western NY, Western MD, Northern West VA, but that does not begin to capture the diversity of our Region.

We have three large metropolitan areas (Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Buffalo which host our Regional tournaments).

Our Region has Units in many smaller cities. In the west, Sandusky is 63 miles south of Detroit. In the east Berkeley Springs is just 80 miles from Washington DC. Sandusky and Berkeley Springs are 280 miles apart (straight line--and it sure is not a straight line) so it would be a long way to go for an afternoon game.

We have 13 Units and at last count just over 100 clubs.

We have 3,300 members who have one thing in common whether they live in a big city or small town. We all love to play bridge and are constantly trying to get better at it.

Here is a map showing our District and the ACBL Units in it.
